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Quick, Efficient EDB to PST converter from EdbMails Quick, Efficient EDB to PST converter from EdbMails

   Discussion: Quick, Efficient EDB to PST converter from EdbMails
Lewis-H · 4 years, 6 months ago
After a few days trying different scenarios, below steps works the best and fastest for me. 1. Recover EDB file from Symantec System Recovery 2011 2. Downloaded and Installed edbmails ( *FREE TOOL 3. Imported EDB with Edbmails 4. Selected the mailbox and Sent Items folder from Top of Info Store 5. Right click > save to PST
Daniel Sam · 2 years, 10 months ago
If you want to use a third-party tool to convert Exchange EDB file to PST format, you should use a free demo version to get assurance before purchasing the license of MailsSoftware EDB to PST Converter. A demo version of this EDB converter is also enough to judge the software how it reliable is? Note: This demo version will convert only the first 50 items from per mailbox to Outlook PST file format.

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